Concluding the 4th Transnational Project Meeting at Lyceum Manin in Cremona, Italy

On December 9-10, 2024, we successfully wrapped up the 4th Transnational Project Meeting of the RAISE project at Lyceum Manin, in Cremona, Italy, marking a major milestone in our journey toward fostering environmental awareness among students.

The event served as a dynamic platform for collaboration, where partners exchanged valuable insights and feedback on the final version of our virtual world—a cutting-edge tool designed to inspire and educate students on sustainability.

Over the course of two days, participants shared experiences, discussed next steps, and worked together to ensure the platform’s effectiveness in empowering the next generation of environmentally conscious learners. The spirit of teamwork and innovation was truly on display, reflecting the core values of the RAISE project.

huge thank you to all participants for their dedication, expertise, and enthusiasm. Your contributions have been instrumental in bringing this project to life and ensuring its long-lasting impact.

The RAISE project continues to show that through collaboration and innovation, we can shape a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come!

RAISE project 4th newsletter

We are thrilled to share the highlights from our 4th Newsletter of Project RAISE! Here’s what you need to know:

Major Milestone: We’ve completed the Final Version of our 3D Virtual World! This interactive platform educates, inspires, and empowers action for the planet through engaging and creative learning.

Dissemination Activities:
• Multiplier Event at Arsakeio (October, 2024): Presented the goals and the activities of the RAISE project, fostering further discussion among a total of 70 educators, teachers and students participating.
• Multiplier Event at AEDAS (October, 2024): Event educators, teachers, students and parents highlighted their educational work through their participation in the RAISE project.

Final Version Implementation: A total of 200 students from AEDAS, Arsakeio, and Manin schools took part in exploring our gamified environment, which is designed to teach key sustainability principles. The feedback has been immensely positive, underscoring the project’s potential to transform Environmental Education.

Important milestone of SIMOnS achieved in Vilnius

The second transnational meeting (TPM2) took place on the 12th and 13th of September and was hosted by the Vilnius College (VIKO), in Lithuania.

In the second gathering of SIMOnS, the team met at the Faculty of Technology and Design of Vilnius College (VIKO), in Lithuania, to discuss the overall progress of the project after having submitted the periodic report on August this year. 

The two-day meeting was held during the 12th and 13th of September, having covered all work packages, with particular focus on the educational content production (WP3.3) and the design and development of the mobile application (W.4.2). 

Members from Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, and Finland attended the event that was wrapped up with important contributions to start producing the content and developing the features of the app. Online presence of the project, especially on social media, was also highlighted to ensure an active role in digital communities. 

We want to thank our Lithuanian partners for the amazing organisation of this meeting, as well as their warm welcome and guided tour in Vilnius!

For more information, find the SIMOnS project:

Δελτίο τύπου Πολλαπλασιαστικής Δράσης – SAINT

Παρουσίαση και Διάχυση του έργου “SAINT – handS on introduction to Artificial Intelligence in primary educatioN using minecrafT N°: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000087794 ”– Multiplier Event  

Την Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2024 και ώρα 09:00-14:00 στην Εστία Επιστημών Πάτρας, στα Αρσάκεια Σχολεία Πατρών, πραγματοποιήθηκε με μεγάλη επιτυχία και συμμετοχή, η παρουσίαση και διάχυση (πολλαπλασιαστική δράση) του Ευρωπαϊκού Έργου με τίτλο ““SAINT – handS on introduction to Artificial Intelligence in primary educatioN using minecrafT”, το οποίο υλοποιείται στο πλαίσιο των Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων ERASMUS+, στο σχέδιο Key Action 2, με αριθμό συμβολαίου N°: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000087794.  

Την ημερίδα παρακολούθησαν εκπαιδευτικοί, μαθητές και γονείς (σχολικών μονάδων), Εκπρόσωποι Εκπαιδευτικών Φορέων της Πρωτοβάθμιας και Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης της Περιφέρειας της Δυτικής Ελλάδας.  

Κατά την διάρκεια της παρουσίασης του έργου SAINT όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες ενθουσιάστηκαν με το εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα καθώς και με τις δυνατότητες του παιχνιδιού, ακολούθησε εποικοδομητική συζήτηση με εκπαιδευτικούς και αρκετούς μαθητές (ομάδα στόχος του έργου) οι οποίοι διατύπωσαν αρκετά ενδιαφέρουσες ιδέες και γνώμες. 

Presentation and Dissemination of the project “SAINT – handS on introduction to Artificial Intelligence in primary educatioN using minecrafT N°: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000087794” – Multiplier Event 

On Monday, June 17, 2024, from 09:00 to 14:00 at the Science Center of Patras, at the Arsakeia Schools of Patras, the presentation and dissemination (multiplier event) of the European Project titled “SAINT – handS on introduction to Artificial Intelligence in primary educatioN using minecrafT” was held with great success and participation. This project is implemented within the framework of the European ERASMUS+ Programs, under Key Action 2, with contract number N°: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000087794. 

The event was attended by teachers, students, and parents (of school units), Representatives of Educational Institutions of Primary and Secondary Education of the Region of Western Greece. 

During the presentation of the SAINT project, all participants were excited about the educational program and the capabilities of the game. A constructive discussion followed with educators and several students (the project’s target group) who expressed many interesting ideas and opinions.