

Selected Publications:


  • Michalis Xenos, Andreas Mallas, Dimosthenis Minas, “Using Eye-Tracking for Adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces for Pilots: A Literature Review and Sample Cases”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2716, 13th EASN International Conference on: Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons 05/09/2023 – 08/09/2023 Salerno, Italy.
  • Semira Maria Evangelou, Eleftheria Lito Michanetzi, Michalis Xenos, “Exploring the impact of negative online feedback on well-being: A comprehensive analysis incorporating Big-Five personality traits and physiological responses”, Computers in Human Behavior Reports, Volume 15, August 2024.


  • Stavroula Dritsa, Andreas Mallas, and Michalis Xenos. 2024. “Screen Reading Regions in Social Media Comments: An Eye-Tracking Analysis of Visual Attention on Smartphones”, In Proceedings of the 27th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Progress in Computing and Informatics (PCI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 95–101.


  • Mallas A., Rigou M., Xenos M., “Comparing the Performance and Evaluation of Computer Experts and Farmers when Operating Agricultural Robots: A Case of Tangible vs Mouse-Based UIs”, Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, Volume 2022, Article ID 6070285, August 2022.
  • Zarkadoula K., Xenos M. “Evaluating Usability and Educational Effectiveness of a Serious Game for Programmers Using Alternative Interfaces and Types of Activities”, Proceedings of the IEEE EDUCON2022 Conference, pp. 645-652, Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 March 2022.


  • Evangelou S.M., Xenos M., “Banner Advertisement Effectiveness using Big-5 Personality Traits, Advertisement Recall, and Visual Attention”, Proceedings of the 24th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI2020, Main Track, pp. 256-259, Athens, Greece, 20-22 November 2020
  • Karousos N., Tatsis F., Karousos D., Katsanos C., Xenos M., Tselios M., “WKLM-FA: A Web Application for Automated Human-Computer Interaction Modeling of Web Form Filling Tasks”, Proceedings of the 24th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI2020, Main Track, pp. 183-187, Athens, Greece, 20-22 November 2020
  • Mallas A., Xenos M., Rigou M., “Evaluating a Mouse-based and a Tangible Interface Used for Operator Intervention on two Autonomous Robots”, 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, LNCS Vol 12182 Springer, pp. 668-678, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 July 2020
  • Liapis A., Katsanos C., Karousos N., Sotiropoulos D., Xenos M., Orphanoudakis T., “Stress HeatMaps: a Fuzzy-based Approach that Uses Physiological Signals”, 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, LNCS Vol 12202 Springer, pp. 268-277, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 July 2020.

2019 & earlier

  • Liapis A., Katsanos C., Karousos N., Xenos M., Orphanoudakis T., “UDSP+: Stress Detection based on User-Reported Emotional Ratings and Wearable Skin Conductance Sensor”, Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp.125-128, London, UK, September 9-13 2019
  • Liapis A., Katsanos C., Xenos M., Orphanoudakis T., “Effect of Personality Traits on UX Evaluation Metrics: A Study on Usability Issues, Valence-Arousal and Skin Conductance”, ACM CHI 2019, Glasgow, UK, 4-9 May 2019.
  • Katsanos C., Xenos M., Tselios N., “Tool-mediated HCI Modeling Instruction in a Campus-based Software Quality Course”, HCII2018, 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, LNCS 10901 Springer, pp. 114-125, Las Vegas, Nevada, 15-20 July 2018
  • Xenos, M., and Rigou, M., “Teaching HCI Design in a Flipped Learning M.Sc. Course Using eye Tracking Peer Evaluation Data”. Proc. 17th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL2018, Athens, Greece, November 1-2 2018
  • Xenos, M., and Velli, V., “A Serious Game for Introducing Software Engineering Ethics to University Students”. Proc. 21st International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL2018, Kos, Greece, September 25-28 2018
  • Liapis, A., Katsanos, C., and Xenos, M., “Don’t Leave Me Alone: Retrospective Think Aloud Supported by Real-Time Monitoring of Participant’s Physiology”, in HCI2018, Springer International Publishing, pp. 148-158, 2018
  • Katsanos, C., Xenos, M., and Tselios, N., “Tool-Mediated HCI Modeling Instruction in a Campus-Based Software Quality Course”, in HCI2018, Springer International Publishing, pp. 114-125, 2018
  • Xenos, M., “The Future of Virtual Classroom: Using Existing Features to Move Beyond Traditional Classroom Limitations”, in IMCL2017, Springer International Publishing, pp. 944-951, 2017
  • Xenos, M., Maratou, V., Ntokas, I., Mettouris, C., and Papadopoulos, G., “Game-based learning using a 3D virtual world in computer engineering education”, in IEEE EDUCON, pp. 1073-1078, 2017
  • Liapis, A., Katsanos, C., Sotiropoulos, D.G., Karousos, N., and Xenos, M., “Stress in interactive applications: analysis of the valence-arousal space based on physiological signals and self-reported data”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76, (4), pp. 5051-5071, 2017
  • Chatzidaki, E., Xenos, M., and Charikleia, M., “A Natural User Interface Game for the Evaluation of Children with Learning Difficulties”. Proc. 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Workshop on Child Computer Interaction (WOCCI), Glasgow, Scotland, 13-17 November 2017
  • Adamides, G., Katsanos, C., Parmet, Y., Christou, G., Xenos, M., Hadzilacos, T., and Edan, Y., “HRI usability evaluation of interaction modes for a teleoperated agricultural robotic sprayer”, Applied Ergonomics, 62, pp. 237-246, 2017
  • Chatzidaki, E., and Xenos, M., “A case study on learning through natural ways of interaction”. Proc. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2017
  • Xenos, M., Maratou, V., Stefanov, S., and Stefanov, E., “Using a 3D Virtual World to Teach Children about Flood and Fire Safety”. Proc. Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning (MAC-ETL 2016), Prague, Czech Republic, December 9-10 2016.
  • Adamides, G., Katsanos, C., Constantinou, I., Christou, G., Xenos, M., Hadzilacos, T., and Edan, Y., “Design and development of a semi‐autonomous agricultural vineyard sprayer: Human–robot interaction aspects”, Journal of Field Robotics, 34, (8), pp. 1407-1426, 2017
  • Maratou, V., Chatzidaki, E., and Xenos, M., “Enhance learning on software project management through a role-play game in a virtual world”, Interactive Learning Environments, 24, (4), pp. 897-915, 2016
  • Adamides, G., Christou, G., Katsanos, C., Xenos, M., and Hadzilacos, T., “Usability Guidelines for the Design of Robot Teleoperation: A Taxonomy”, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 45, (2), pp. 256-262, 2015