Participation in the Summer Schools Presentation 2023

We are delighted to announce that the Software Quality & Human Computer-Interaction Lab (SQHCILab) of the Computer and Informatics Engineering Department at the University of Patras actively participated in the presentation of the Summer Schools 2023, following an invitation extended to our Lab Director, Professor Michalis Xenos, by Mr.Emmanouil Petrakis, Director of the Arsakeio High School of Patras.

The event took place on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 3:30 pm, in the Amphitheater of the Science Homestead at Arsakeia Schools of Patras. Also in attendance was the Rector of the University of Patras, Professor Christos Bouras.

During the presentation, participation certificates were awarded to the students of our Summer School, who briefly presented the program they developed in our lab.

We take immense pride in our participation in this significant event and look forward to future collaborations and opportunities to strengthen both education and research